

Hemimandibulectomy specimen
Today,  our first surgery was a young man with a jaw tumor for 3 years. This appears to be an ameloblastoma,  which we see often in Nigeria. The entire left hemimandible was expanded and thinned out by tumor.  We did a hemimandibulectomy. Postop pictures to follow.

500 grm goiter!
Then we did a giant goiter. It weighed 500 gms after excision-about 10 times normal. It had been growing for 11 years!

Next,  two total thyroidectomies for thyrotoxicosis,  a hysterectomy for postpartum bleeding, a recurrent umbilical hernia, and excision of a vulvar cyst.

We have done 51 cases and there is 15 patients waiting. Today was a national holiday so tomorrow there will be a big influx of patients. Sadly, Uche and Professor are leaving tomorrow.